Sunday, July 8, 2012

How Florida sees the United States

So I decided that I would make a picture of how us Floridians see the rest of the United States. This is how I see it, and most other Floridians would agree. I know the rest of America just sees Florida as beaches, Pitbull, and Disney World. Not to mention the insane heat and bugs. It's funny that people imagine their whole lives visiting Florida because we're evidently SO magical. Disney World isn't all sunshine and rainbows. It's an overpriced facade with long lines. Everything is cleverly engineered to make you spend more money. Since everyone is the freakin' world decides it's so wonderful, they ALL go there. LinesLinesLinesLinesLines. They don't include that in the commercial now do they? If you come to Florida, go to the beaches. SO worth it.

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